Book of Abstracts


Welcome Message

The Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Division of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry (SPQ) has the pleasure to announce its 11th Inorganic Chemistry Conference that will take place in Sintra on 7-8 October 2016. It will also be the 1st Meeting of the Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Division of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry, to mark the new designation and scope of the Division.

The aim of this biennial Conference of SPQ is to provide a forum to discuss all inorganic and bioinorganic chemistry topics, particularly those on the frontier with other scientific areas. The importance of inorganic chemistry in catalysis, energy, materials, nanotechnology, biology and medicine is immense and current research challenges require active discussions in the inorganic chemistry community.

The scientific programme will include plenary and keynote lectures, as well as oral communications and poster presentations. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to participate and communicate their work.

  • The third edition of the Alberto Romão Dias Prize, introduced by SPQ in 2009, will be presented during the Conference and there will be a plenary lecture by the prize recipient António Pires de Matos (IST-UL and FCT-UNL).
  • The Conference will have the special presence, as plenary lecturer, of Luis Oro (Universidad de Zaragoza), recipient of the Prémio Luso-Espanhol de Química 2015 (Conferência Lourenço-Madinaveitia), a prize jointly instituted by the SPQ and the Real Sociedad Española de Química.
  • Luigi Casella (Università degli studi di Pavia) will present the ChemPubSoc Europe plenary lecture, highlighting the generous support of the ChemPubSoc Europe consortium to the Conference.
On behalf of the Scientific and Organising Committees of the 11th Inorganic Chemistry Conference and 1st Meeting of the Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Division of SPQ, I invite you to participate.

Joaquim Marçalo


Scientific Committee

A. Jorge Parola FCT - U. Nova de Lisboa
António Paulo IST - U. Lisboa
Beatriz Royo ITQB - U. Nova de Lisboa
Cristina Freire FC - U. Porto
Filipe A. Paz U. Aveiro
João Paulo Leal IST - U. Lisboa
João Rodrigues U. Madeira
Joaquim Marçalo (Chair) IST - U. Lisboa
Laura C. Pereira IST - U. Lisboa
Mariette Pereira FCT – U. Coimbra
Pedro A. Fernandes FC - U. Porto
Pedro T. Gomes IST - U. Lisboa
Sofia Pauleta FCT - U. Nova de Lisboa

Organizing Committee

IST – U. Lisboa

    Joaquim Marçalo
    Adelaide Cruz
    Ana C. Ferreira
    Bernardo Monteiro
    João Paulo Leal
    Joaquim Branco
    José M. Carretas
    Leonor Maria
    M. Augusta Antunes
    Teresa A. Gasche
FCT – U. Nova de Lisboa
    José J. G. Moura
Secretariat - SPQ
    Cristina Campos
    Leonardo Mendes

Scientific Programme

Confirmed Speakers

Plenary Lecturers

Luis Oro, Universidad de Zaragoza
Recipient of the Prémio Luso-Espanhol de Química 2015 - Conferência Lourenço-Madinaveitia

Mechanistic studies on rhodium-N-heterocyclic carbene catalysts
Luigi Casella, Università degli studi di Pavia
ChemPubSoc Europe Lecture

What do we know about the redox reactivity of metal ions bound to neuronal peptides
Tito Trindade, Universidade de Aveiro
Water purification using nanomaterials, magnetism and light
António Pires de Matos, IST-UL and FCT-UNL
Recipient of the Prémio Alberto Romão Dias 2016

How amazing it is to work in Inorganic Chemistry

Keynote Lecturers

John K. Gibson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Actinide inorganic chemistry from a gas-phase perspective
Ana Isabel Tomaz, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Tracking antitumor metallodrugs with ruthenium candidates
Carlos Baleizão, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
Silica nanoparticles: a window of opportunities, not just light sand
Nuno S. Cerqueira, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto
Theoretical and computational studies devoted to Mo dependent enzymes

Poster Prizes

There will be prizes for the best poster presentations, sponsored by ChemPubSoc Europe and Wiley-VCH.

Poster Size

Height: 116 cm | Width: 96 cm



Registration Fees

Category Price before 9th September 2016 (€) Price after 9th September (€)
SPQ/RSEQ members non-members SPQ/RSEQ members non-members
Senior chemist 120 170 150 210
Post-Doc 100 140 130 180
PhD students 80 110 110 150
MSc / Undergraduate student 60 80 90 120

Registration fee includes:

  • Access to all event sessions
  • Conference materials
  • Coffee-breaks
  • Conference dinner

  • Payment Information

      Bank Transfer
      Titular: Sociedade Portuguesa de Química
      Bank/Banco: Millennium BCP (Lisboa, Pt)
      NIB: 0033 0000 4534 5670 6780 5
      IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4534 5670 6780 5


    Each registered participant will be entitled to submit up to one abstract, for a poster or an oral presentation.

    The meeting’s official language will be English. Abstracts must be submitted in English

    Personal Area & Online Abstract submission Abstract template Abstract submission - STEPS

    Key Dates

    • Registration with discount: deadline 9th September 2016

    • Registration deadline: 30 th September 2016


    The conference will be held at Hotel Tivoli Sintra **** , in Sintra (in the the centre of the village).

      Praça da República
      2710-616 Sintra, Portugal
      GPS: N 38º 47' 51,28'' , W 9º 23' 30,59''


    Lisboa to Sintra

    Sintra is a delightful Portuguese town that lies 25km to the west of Lisbon and makes for a popular day trip from the capital. Lisbon and Sintra are connected by a reliable and inexpensive train service and this direct train means that Sintra is easily accessible for all visitors.

    The following link will explain in detail how to travel from Lisbon to Sintra by public transport and by car, although driving is not recommended due to the limited parking in Sintra.

    Guide Train Timetable - train

    Free Parking

    For free parking we recommend an early arrival


    Tivoli Sintra **** Conference Hotel

    Praça da República
    2710-616 Sintra, Portugal

    GPS: N 38º 47' 51,28'' , W 9º 23' 30,59''
    (+351) 21 923 32 00

    To book with these prices: send email to Ms. Luísa Catalão,
    referring the name of the event: 11th Inorganic Chemistry Conference

    Single room: 69 Euros/night | Double room: 79 Euros/night
    Prices with buffet breakfast included and taxes (VAT incl).
    Room availability with special price is limited until 17th June 2016

    Right in the centre of the town of Sintra, this is a discreet 4-star Sintra Portugal hotel with private parking which gives you the perfect opportunity to enjoy the surrounding scenery, history and leisure facilities. Sintra is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Breakfast in the Monserrate restaurant at Tivoli Sintra allows you to enjoy the quality food at this welcoming and friendly Central Sintra hotel. The view from the panoramic bar reveals its stunning location: between the Serra de Sintra and the Palácio da Vila, where the sea can just be seen on the horizon.


    SPQ - Sociedade Portuguesa de Química - Secretariat/Payments/Billing

      Av. da República, 45 - 3º Esq.
      1050 - 187 Lisboa

      (+351) 217 934 637 9h30-17h

    General Information - Organization/Program
